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Uma meta-análise de pesquisas sobre o pensamento proporcional A meta-analysis of researches about proportional thinking

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dc.creator Cristina Maranhão
dc.creator Silvia Machado 2011-01-01T00:00:00Z 2015-08-12T11:17:03Z 2015-08-12T11:17:03Z
dc.identifier 10.1590/S0104-40602011000400010
dc.identifier 0104-4060
dc.description O presente artigo objetiva avaliar descritores utilizados em duas pesquisas, na análise de atividades sobre o pensamento proporcional. Ambas partiram dos componentes do raciocínio proporcional divulgados por Post, Behr e Lesh, para suas análises. Por seu objetivo, emprega a metodologia designada de meta-análise qualitativa, conforme Fiorentini e Lorenzato, ao visar resultados que transcendam os daquelas pesquisas. Atingem-se tais propósitos por meio do confronto daquelas pesquisas em sua base teórica, com outros referenciais teóricos propostos por Raymond Duval, Anna Sfard, Geraldo Ávila e Elon Lages de Lima.<br>This article aims to evaluate descriptors used in two researches' analysis of activities on the proportional thinking. Both syudies were based on the proportional reasoning components proposed by Post, Behr and Lesh. According to its objective, this study employs the methodology called qualitative meta-analysis as Fiorentini and Lorenzato show, in order to find results that transcended those researches. The goals are achieves through the confrontation of those researches in their theoretical basis, with other theoretical frameworks proposed by Raymond Duval, Anna Sfard, Geraldo Ávila and Elon Lages de Lima.
dc.language Portuguese
dc.publisher Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná
dc.rights CC BY-NC
dc.source Educar em Revista, Iss se1, Pp 141-156 (2011)
dc.subject proporcionalidade
dc.subject pensamento proporcional
dc.subject meta-análise qualitativa
dc.subject proportionality
dc.subject proportional thinking
dc.subject qualitative meta-analysis
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title Uma meta-análise de pesquisas sobre o pensamento proporcional A meta-analysis of researches about proportional thinking
dc.type article

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