The literature of the science education does not offer much data concerning meaning generation (MG) and learning to learn together (L2L2) processes. The objective of this paper is the study of how a group of students working with an on‐line Platform, interact, collaborate and express themselves to generate meanings with regard to moving in 3d Newtonian spaces. The students create models of motions using 3d Juggler, a web‐based half‐baked microworld and communicate their ideas via the Platform’s shared workspaces. The study was implemented with a small number of Greek students (four) of the 8th grade. The results of this study demonstrate that there is a relation between L2L2 processes and the creation of meanings in collectives as they use different web tools. After completing the scientific task (MG), the students of a Subgroup move to the Argumentation/Discussion tool to share with the other Subgroup the values of the parameters for which they attained their goal (L2L2 and MG processes). Distributed leadership and peer assessment are two of those L2L2 key aspects which dominate and influence students’ MG processes.