This article is devoted to the analysis and a classification of Islamic societies. In it the social foundations of Islam are considered. The combination of the traditional relations, religious norms, and tribal сonnections explain the clan nature of social structure of the majority of Islamic societies. In the article the phenomenon of interaction in one social space of cultures with essentially different social systems is described on an example of sociocultural enclaves. Archaic Islamic societies, Islamic societies of the secular states, radical Islamic societies, societies of the Islamic states are also considered. The comparative analysis of various types of Islamic societies is carried out. The main aim of this research is to define the social foundations of Islam as a religion and to construct a typology of Islamic societies. The scientfic novelty of this work lies in the complex research of the entire diversity of forms that Islamic societies adopt at different conditions. During this research the following types of Islamic societis were considered: archaic Islamic societies, Islamic societies of secular states, radical Islamic societies, societies of Islamic states, Islamic societies of sociocultural enclaves. Based on the analisys of Islamic radicalisation processes there was made a conclusion that there exists a social, political and economical global international system that supports the radical transformation of Islamic societies.