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Representações sociais, relações intergrupais e cognição social Social representations, intergrupal relationships and social cognition

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dc.creator Rosa Cabecinhas 2004-08-01T00:00:00Z 2015-07-20T22:06:53Z 2015-07-20T22:06:53Z
dc.identifier 10.1590/S0103-863X2004000200003
dc.identifier 0103-863X
dc.identifier 1982-4327
dc.description Pretendemos com este artigo ilustrar as potencialidades do estudo das representações sociais em articulação com outras áreas da psicologia social, nomeadamente com as teorias das relações intergrupais e os conceitos da cognição social. Começamos por fazer referência aos principais aspectos estudados no âmbito da teoria das representações sociais: o seu conceito, a sua formação, a sua estrutura, e as funções. Seguidamente, ilustramos os pontos de convergência e de divergência com a cognição social e salientamos o papel das relações intergrupais na formação e transformação das representações sociais. Finalizamos referindo algumas das críticas de que tem sido alvo esta área de estudo no âmbito da psicologia social e de que forma estas têm vindo a ser colmatadas.<br>This article aims to illustrate the potential of the study of social representations in articulation with other areas of social psychology, namely the theories of intergroup relations and some concepts from the field of social cognition. Firstly, we review the main aspects of the theory of social representations: the concept, the process of construction of social representation, their structure and functions. Then, we discuss points of convergence and divergence in relation to the field of social cognition and emphasize the role of intergroup relations in the construction and transformation of social representations. Finally, we point out some of the criticisms that this field of study has faced within the domain of social psychology and the ways in which researchers have tried to overcome these criticisms.
dc.language Portuguese
dc.language English
dc.publisher Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto
dc.rights CC BY-NC
dc.source Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), Vol 14, Iss 28, Pp 125-137 (2004)
dc.subject representação social
dc.subject potencialidades
dc.subject críticas
dc.subject social representations
dc.subject potencialities
dc.subject critics
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject DOAJ:Psychology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject DOAJ:Psychology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title Representações sociais, relações intergrupais e cognição social Social representations, intergrupal relationships and social cognition
dc.type Article

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