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Cómo las superheroínas se convirtieron en amas de casa: Pixar y “Los Increíbles” / How superheroines became housewifes: Pixar and “The Incredibles”

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dc.creator Xavier Mínguez López 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z 2015-07-20T22:13:52Z 2015-07-20T22:13:52Z
dc.identifier 1988-8430
dc.description Resumen: Pixar representa para buena parte de su público una renovación de la animación en los términos que nos presentaba Disney tradicionalmente. Sin embargo, bien sea por la dependencia de la multinacional americana, bien sea porque no existe una reflexión en profundidad respecto a la transmisión de valores, Pixar continúa lanzando mensajes conservadores, especialmente, cuando se trata de los roles de mujeres y hombres. En este artículo analizamos algunas de sus películas centrándonos especialmente en Los increíbles que, sin duda, es la que mejor ilustra la difusión de una imagen moderna junto con unos valores conservadores.Abstract: Pixar represents for most part of the audiences a renovation in the animation world, especially compared with the traditional treatment of Disney films. However, maybe because it depends economically on this multinational, maybe because there is no a deep thought about the transmission of values, Pixar still shows very conservative messages. Those messages are particularly strong when dealing with men and women roles. In this article we analyze some of Pixar films but we concentrate in The incredibles because it is the best one at presenting a modern idea together with conservative values.
dc.language Spanish
dc.language English
dc.publisher Consejería de Educación
dc.rights CC BY-SA
dc.source Tejuelo : Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 88-101 (2012)
dc.subject nimación
dc.subject sexismo
dc.subject valores
dc.subject Disney
dc.subject Pixar
dc.subject animation
dc.subject sexism
dc.subject values
dc.subject Literature (General)
dc.subject PN1-6790
dc.subject Language and Literature
dc.subject P
dc.subject DOAJ:Languages and Literatures
dc.subject Theory and practice of education
dc.subject LB5-3640
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Literature (General)
dc.subject PN1-6790
dc.subject Language and Literature
dc.subject P
dc.subject DOAJ:Languages and Literatures
dc.subject Theory and practice of education
dc.subject LB5-3640
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Literature (General)
dc.subject PN1-6790
dc.subject Language and Literature
dc.subject P
dc.subject Theory and practice of education
dc.subject LB5-3640
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Literature (General)
dc.subject PN1-6790
dc.subject Language and Literature
dc.subject P
dc.subject Theory and practice of education
dc.subject LB5-3640
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Literature (General)
dc.subject PN1-6790
dc.subject Language and Literature
dc.subject P
dc.subject Theory and practice of education
dc.subject LB5-3640
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title Cómo las superheroínas se convirtieron en amas de casa: Pixar y “Los Increíbles” / How superheroines became housewifes: Pixar and “The Incredibles”
dc.type article

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