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La universidad de lãs mil y una noches. The University of a Thousand and One Nights

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dc.creator Luis Porter 2005-05-01T00:00:00Z 2015-07-20T22:18:39Z 2015-07-20T22:18:39Z
dc.identifier 1068-2341
dc.description Se trata de un artículo que surge de una pregunta hipotética, aunque indudablemente realista, formulada por un profesor universitario mientras transita rumbo a su institución: ¿Qué es mi universidad? ¿Qué me hace pasar de la decepción al entusiasmo, para volver después al sinsabor y remontar más tarde la alegría? Las respuestas dan lugar a un diálogo interior, durante el que se toma conciencia de que la educación trasciende las puertas y ventanas del aula, para llegar a aquellos lugares lejanos que Juvenal definía como "ultra Auroram et Gangem", ("más allá de la Aurora y el Ganges"), y que nosotros, los latinoamericanos, podríamos llamar: "ultra Tropicus et Amazonam". En suma, en su diálogo interior el académico toma conciencia de que su labor educativa abarca un territorio mayor al constreñido a la geografía específica de un sitio o de una institución. De esta manera nos ayuda a asumir que en el ámbito de la educación existen varios atributos que debemos contribuir a crear o recrear: la esperanza, la oportunidad, la imaginación. También a entender que al dedicarnos a ejercer nuestra capacidad de re-lacionar, re-latar, referir y re-flexionar, organizamos, discurrimos, transferimos, construyendo nuestra narrativa, es decir la capacidad de urdir en cada jornada un nuevo plan. Planear cada día, será entonces, como Sherezada, tejer un nuevo cuento, necesario para poder seguir actuando, puesto que la palabra es el único hilo que le da sentido a nuestra condición de educadores, a nuestro ser universitario. This article uses the title of the famous book Arabian Nights which in Spanish (Las mil y una noches) has a time connotation, similar to "for ever and a day" in English. In Spanish, "thousand" is a way to mean "infinite"; if you add one to infinite then you have numberless nights. The article departs from a hypothetical question an academic asks him/herself in his way to the educational institution where he-she works: What is my university? What makes me change from enthusiasm to deception, from pain to happiness? The answers give place to a personal dialogue, which brings the awareness that education overflows from the windows and doors of the classroom, to reach those distant places that Juvenal defined as "ultra Auroram et Gangem" (beyond the rising sun and the Ganges), and that Latin Americans could translate to "beyond the Trópico and the Amazonas." In short, to reach the consciousness that our educational work comprehends a larger territory than the one constrained to the limited geography of a site or an institution. In this broad realm, there are diverse attributes we have to create or recreate: hope, opportunity, imagination, and therefore be able to exercise our capacity to relate, to refer, to reflect. In doing so, we organize, devise, transfer, building our narrative, our capability to plot in each journey a new plan. Every plan is a necessary new story, as those of Sherezade, needed to keep acting day by day, using the word as the only thread that gives meaning to our condition as educators, to our academic being.
dc.language English
dc.language Spanish
dc.language Portuguese
dc.publisher Arizona State University
dc.rights CC BY
dc.source Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol 13, p 31 (2005)
dc.subject Special aspects of education
dc.subject LC8-6691
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Special aspects of education
dc.subject LC8-6691
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Special aspects of education
dc.subject LC8-6691
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Special aspects of education
dc.subject LC8-6691
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Special aspects of education
dc.subject LC8-6691
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title La universidad de lãs mil y una noches. The University of a Thousand and One Nights
dc.type article

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