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Vico e a ordem de estudos de seu tempo: a ligação entre conhecimento e ética Vico and the plan of studies in his time: the connection between knowledge and ethics

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dc.creator Vladimir Chaves dos Santos 2003-12-01T00:00:00Z 2015-08-12T11:17:23Z 2015-08-12T11:17:23Z
dc.identifier 10.1590/S0101-73302003000400009
dc.identifier 0101-7330
dc.identifier 1678-4626
dc.description Vico criticou a racionalidade que predominava em seu tempo e propôs outra como alternativa. No início dessa empreitada, sugeriu o engenho como perfil de inteligência que um programa pedagógico deveria fomentar. O engenho pensado por Vico deveria ser apto a restabelecer a ligação entre conhecimento e ética, algo que, segundo esse filósofo, teria sido abandonado pelas filosofias da moda na virada do século XVII para o XVIII. Além disso, o engenho poderia revigorar a inventio, uma das principais faculdades da retórica clássica, então menosprezada pela filosofia moderna. O ponto de partida do impulso inovador da filosofia de Vico foi a contestação de alguns princípios e conseqüências da filosofia de Descartes, urna grande moda filosófica à época do napolitano.<br>Vico criticized the prevalent rationality in his time and proposed another one as alternative. In this enterprise, Vico suggested the wit as the profile of intelligence that every pedagogical plan should foment. The wit thought by Vico should be able to restore the connection between knowledge and ethics. It's something that, according to this philosopher, would have been abandoned by the vogue's philosophies on the turn of the seventhieth to the eighthieth century. Moreover, the wit cold revigorate the inventio, one of main classical rhetoric faculties, often disqualified by the modem philosophy. The starting point to Vico's innovator impulse was the contestation of some principles and consequences of Descartes' philosophy, a great philosophical vogue on time of the Napolitan.
dc.language Portuguese
dc.language Spanish
dc.language English
dc.publisher Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes
dc.rights CC BY-NC
dc.source Educação & Sociedade, Vol 24, Iss 85, Pp 1277-1294 (2003)
dc.subject Educação
dc.subject Retórica
dc.subject Engenho
dc.subject Education
dc.subject Rhetoric
dc.subject Wit
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title Vico e a ordem de estudos de seu tempo: a ligação entre conhecimento e ética Vico and the plan of studies in his time: the connection between knowledge and ethics
dc.type article

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