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A dualidade cuidado x educação no cotidiano do berçário The duality between care and education in a nursery daily activities

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dc.creator Fabiana C. F. de Vitta
dc.creator Maria Luisa G. Emmel 2004-08-01T00:00:00Z 2015-08-12T11:27:21Z 2015-08-12T11:27:21Z
dc.identifier 10.1590/S0103-863X2004000200007
dc.identifier 0103-863X
dc.identifier 1982-4327
dc.description Esse trabalho objetivou verificar conceitos relativos ao cuidar e educar, junto a profissionais de berçário. Foram estudados documentos sobre educação infantil e realizadas entrevistas e observações da prática de sete profissionais de berçários, com enfoque nas atividades de cuidados desenvolvidas com as crianças. Os dados foram organizados segundo categorias: função do berçário, conceito de educar e de cuidar e sofreram análise qualitativa, permitindo a confrontação entre o material empírico e o teórico. Os resultados mostraram que os documentos oficiais pouco discutem a fase em questão, deixando imprecisa a relação entre as atividades de cuidado e seu papel educacional. Essa imprecisão se reflete no discurso das profissionais do berçário. As atividades de cuidados passam a estar contidas na educação da criança, na medida em que, na visão das profissionais, têm função disciplinadora. Esse aspecto justifica-se pela falta de formação e pelo fato de vincularem esta atividade às suas experiências de mães.<br>This article has the as objective to verify concepts related to care and to educate, with nursery professionals. Some documents about children education were studied and some interviews and observations of the work were done with seven nursery professionals. The main focus were the activities related to care developed with children. Data were organized following the degrees: function of the nursery, education and care concepts. Data were submitted of quality analysis, allowing the confrontation between the theorical and empirical material. The results showed that official documents do not worry about the phase under discussion, letting inaccurate the relation between the activities of care and its educational role. This inexactness is noticed in the nursery professionals' speech. The activities of care are enclosed in child education, once in the vision of the professionals it has a corrective function. This aspect is justified by the lack of formation and by the fact of they entail this activity to their mothers' experience.
dc.language Portuguese
dc.language English
dc.publisher Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto
dc.rights CC BY-NC
dc.source Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto), Vol 14, Iss 28, Pp 177-189 (2004)
dc.subject cuidar
dc.subject educar
dc.subject berçário
dc.subject care
dc.subject education
dc.subject nursery
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject DOAJ:Psychology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject DOAJ:Psychology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Psychology
dc.subject BF1-990
dc.subject Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
dc.subject B
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.title A dualidade cuidado x educação no cotidiano do berçário The duality between care and education in a nursery daily activities
dc.type article

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