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Memória e (re)criação na formação de professores: trilhando caminhos Memory and (re)creation in teacher education: treading paths

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dc.creator Simone Cristiane Silveira Cintra
dc.creator Ana Angélica Albano 2010-04-01T00:00:00Z 2015-08-12T11:31:50Z 2015-08-12T11:31:50Z
dc.identifier 10.1590/S0101-32622010000100008
dc.identifier 0101-3262
dc.identifier 1678-7110
dc.description Este trabalho apresenta resultados parciais de uma pesquisa sobre as possibilidades formativas estabelecidas na relação entre memória, criação e formação docente. O texto traz reflexões sobre aspectos de uma prática de formação realizada com alunas do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Objetivamos, com esta reflexão, estabelecer relações entre os processos de rememoração e de criação de narrativas cênicas vivenciados pelas alunas, na perspectiva de que essas relações venham a contribuir para a pesquisa e as práticas de formação docente. Constituem os referenciais teóricos deste trabalho estudos sobre a pesquisa (auto)biográfica e aportes da Psicologia Analítica de Carl Gustav Jung. Resulta dessa análise a identificação dos processos de criação como espaços privilegiados para a produção e elaboração de símbolos, potencializando a ordenação do vivido por meio do rememorar, do encenar histórias de vida e do registro das experiências de formação com palavras e imagens.<br>This work presents partial results of a research on the training possibilities established by the relations among memory, creation and teacher education. It brings reflections about the training practice developed with students of the Graduation in Pedagogy of the State University of Campinas. Those reflections intend to establish relations between the processes of remembering and of creating theatrical narratives experienced by the students, expecting that those relations can contribute to the research and practices of teacher education. The theoretical framework is basically constituted by the studies of self-biographic approach and concepts of the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. This analysis results in the identification of creation processes as a privileged space to produce and draw up symbols allowing to ordinate has been experienced through the acts of remembering, staging life stories, writing and drawing from the experiences lived.
dc.language Spanish
dc.language Portuguese
dc.language English
dc.publisher Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade
dc.rights CC BY-NC
dc.source Cadernos Cedes, Vol 30, Iss 80, Pp 105-111 (2010)
dc.subject Memória
dc.subject Símbolo
dc.subject Formação de professor
dc.subject Psicologia Analítica
dc.subject Memory
dc.subject Symbol
dc.subject Teacher education
dc.subject Analytical Psychology
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Sociology (General)
dc.subject HM401-1281
dc.subject Social Sciences
dc.subject H
dc.subject DOAJ:Sociology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject DOAJ:Education
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Sociology (General)
dc.subject HM401-1281
dc.subject Social Sciences
dc.subject H
dc.subject DOAJ:Sociology
dc.subject DOAJ:Social Sciences
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Sociology (General)
dc.subject HM401-1281
dc.subject Social Sciences
dc.subject H
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Sociology (General)
dc.subject HM401-1281
dc.subject Social Sciences
dc.subject H
dc.subject Education (General)
dc.subject L7-991
dc.subject Education
dc.subject L
dc.subject Sociology (General)
dc.subject HM401-1281
dc.subject Social Sciences
dc.subject H
dc.title Memória e (re)criação na formação de professores: trilhando caminhos Memory and (re)creation in teacher education: treading paths
dc.type article

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