I am pleased to inform you that Volume 6, Number: 3 is appearing on your screen now as which is addressed Very much thanks to all of you once more that we met 19th time, since January 2000. As we announced in Volume: 6 Number: 1-2 issue, July 2005 issue of TOJDE would published on the subject that “Use of Distance and e-Learning within and with the Middle East Countries”. And me Dr. Gokdag did it proudly, under patronage of this issue’s guest editor; Dr. Gilly Salmon. In addition, I would like to announce for all you, that Volume: 7 Number: 2 will publish as the 4th Special Theme Issue of TOJDE in April 2006. This issue will be prepare by Guest Editor Takeshi UTSUMI, Ph.D., P. E. (Founder and V. P. for Technology and Coordination of Global University System (GUS), USA) and Guest Co-Editor Associate Professor Piet KOMMERS (from University of Twente, The Netherlands). In this special issue is to indicate foresight, innovation, and strategy for the future direction of e-learning, more than web-oriented teaching and multipoint videoconferencing, for collaborative, distributed, experiential learning and creation of new knowledge, with youngsters around the world, which hence promote mutual understanding for global peace. Emphasis will be on knowledgeable and inspiring papers (but not limited) on the use of GRID networking technology with distributed computer simulation for experiential (hands-on) learning through broadband Internet, across national, continental and oceanic boundaries. Subjects are in any fields of e-learning and e-healthcare/telemedicine, in research, case studies, project descriptions, implementation, reports from the field or book review.