B.V. Toshev
Science advances as a sustainable process. The academic journals mark the new scientific results. The system of scholarly journals is developed in two levels: the first level includes the primary research journals; the secondary journals where the papers of the primary research journals are indexed and abstracted build the second level. The world system of indexing, abstracting and evaluation consists of about 75 000 primary research journals; about 10 % of them are under the control of the Thomson Scientific, f. Institute for Scientific Information. The journals that do not belong to that system are to be considered as marginal editions. Thomson Scientific gives annually several scientometric parameters of its journals. Likely the most important amongst them is the Impact Factor (IF), introduced by Garfield. IF is an intensive property of the academic journal. However the scientific creativity is cumulative and, therefore, a proper extensive quantity should characterize it. Such quantity may be the efficiency factor e=nk with n – factor of productivity (number of publications of a given author) and k – factor of utility (number of citations of author’s publications). From macroscopic point of view such an organization of the scientific process provides its sustainability and stability. However, the microscopic consideration exhibits disturbances that appear continuously. They are in the relationships between authors, referees and editors. They appear when the rules of scientific publishing and/or science ethics are violated by some of the participants in the scientific process. The most common cases of such offences are listed and commented.